Development of Software for Chemical Education Using Multimedia Techniques

Tadayosi YOSHIMURA*1, Yoshihiro F. AOYAMA*1, Hiroshi OHTAKE*2, Yasuaki SASAMURA*3, John T. SHIMOZAWA*4 and Brian T. NEWBOLD*5

*1 Fukui National College of Technology, Sabae, Fukui 916, Japan,

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*2 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kitaku, Kyoto 602, Japan,
*3 Tomakomai National College of Technology, Tomakomai 059-12, Japan,
*4 Saitama University, Urawa, Saitama 338, Japan,
*5 Universite de Moncton, Moncton, NB, Canada E1A 3E9

(Received : February 2, 1996 ; Accepted for publication : September 1, 1996)

There are many software in the field of chemical education. However, it was found, via student questionnaires, that these software have some defects, for example students like to see more realistic graphics rather than the computer graphics, and teachers also like to have a more intractive approach in their classes. We have developed new type CAI software to solve these difficulties by using a new technique which enables us to use different multimedia sources as part of original CAI programs.
These multimedia software will hopefully improve the use of CAI programs in chemical education. In particular, we edited the video movie into a short interval (a few minutes) file and used it in CAI programs as an original and novel method.

Key words: Chemical Education, CAI, Multimedia, Video Operation System

Abstract in Japanese

Text in English

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