A High Dimensional Optimization Approach Based on Simplex Method and Its Evaluation by Separation of Overlapped Peaks

Yuichi MIYAMAE, Chongliang ZHANG and Yoshio NARUSAWA*

Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Rikkyo(St. Paul's) University
3-34-1, Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171

(Received: January 5, 1995; Accepted for publication: March 26, 1995)

A new simplex method, developed for high dimensional optimization, was applied to peak separation. Overlapped Gaussian peaks were used to evaluate its accuracy and speed, compared with the modified simplex method, widely used in various studies. Successful results for the separation of overlapped peaks were obtained with the proposed method.

Keywords : Simplex method, Modification, Peak separation, UBASIC

Abstract in Japanese

Text in Japanese

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