J. Technology and Education, Vol.14, No.2, pp.51-56, 2007
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Educational Benefit of Practical Education
- Use of an Excel Tool to Incorporate Practical Training into
Classroom Lectures on Quality Control -
Tadayosi YOSHIMURA1*, Yoshihiro AOYAMA2
1Department of Chemistry and Biology Engineering, 2Electronics and Information Engineering
Fukui National College of Technology, Geshi-cho, Sabae, Fukui 916-8507, Japan
(Received December 7, 2007; Accepted December 18, 2007)
In general, quality control education consists mainly of classroom lectures.@The practical education program introduced recently was taught by a lecturer who had a first-hand experience as an engineer in the field of quality control.@Thus, students had the opportunity to learn about the actual quality control measures taken by companies.@During the computer sessions, an Excel analytical tool was used to provide practical insight into statistical quality control.@The educational benefit of this practical education program was measured using principal component analysis.@The achievement of each student attending the program was analyzed.
The textbook used during classroom lectures was created specifically for the purpose of this program. It has been published by Science House and is available at bookstores.
Key Words: Quality control education, Engineer education, Curriculum, Textbook, Statistical quality control, Excel features.