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2018年6月8日 表彰


日本コンピュータ化学会  表  彰
SCCJ Award of the Year 2017

[ 学会賞 | 功労賞(特別功労賞) | 吉田賞(論文賞) ]

日本コンピュータ化学会 2017年度 学会賞

立川 仁典 氏 横浜市立大学大学院 生命ナノシステム科学研究科 教授



(文責:会長 細矢治夫)

日本コンピュータ化学会 2017年度 吉田賞(論文賞)


吉田 彩乃1, 櫻沢 繁1

1) 公立はこだて未来大学

Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan, Vol. 16(2017), No. 1, pp.17-21.


 フレーム問題にはかなり高機能・高性能のロボットが必要である。そこで著者らは振動反応であるBZ反応が計算として機能することに着目し,BZ反応による自励振動ゲルを用いて,アルゴリズムを与える事無く自発的に一方向の運動を示す化学ロボットの開発を行った.その結果,BZ反応に寄与する物質の拡散速度とゲルの形やサイズのバランスをとることで,内生的に非対称性を作りだすことと,その化学反応によって実際にゲルが一方向に蠕動運動することを具体的に示すことに成功した 本研究は、計算化学の手法を用いて、AI等に現れるフレーム問題の解決に大きな発展をもたらす挑戦的なシステムであり、本研究で実装されたプログラムはデータ科学分野への質の高いメッセージを示すことが可能となる。
 本論文は計算機化学の多様な発展に大きな希望を持たれていた故吉田 弘先生のご意志にそうものであるので、ここに一層の発展を期してこれを吉田賞論文として表彰する。

(文責:会長 細矢治夫)

日本コンピュータ化学会 2017年度 功労賞
2017 Award for Distinguished Contribution to SCCJ.
【受賞者/Award Laureate】

Professor  Emeritus Brian T. Newbold Universite de Moncton (Canada)


 Professor Brian T. Newbold was born in Manchester, United Kingdom in 1932, and gained an Honours Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Manchester. He graduated from Universite Laval, Quebec (Canada) with a Doctorate of Science (magna cum laude) in chemistry. After a post-doctoral year there, he had a 45-year teaching, research, and administrative career at Universite Saint Joseph, and Universite de Moncton. He also taught biochemistry at Mount Allison University. He was Visiting professor at five universities in Canada, France, Brazil, and Japan. He holds numerous honours, including: Founding member of the National Science and Engineering Council of Canada, Chevalier Grand Cross of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Emeritus Professor of Universite de Moncton, Union Carbide Chemical Education Award, and Knight of the Academic Palms of France. He is the author of three books and 165 research papers.
 Professor Newbold and J.T. Shimozawa (Saitama University) attended the annual meeting of the Committee on the Teaching of Chemistry of IUPAC in 1977 as National Representatives of their respective countries, Canada and Japan. J.T.S. had a keen interest in Information Science Education, especially in the field of Software Developments for Chemical Education. In 1984 J.T.S. invited professor Newbold to come to Saitama University as a visiting Professor for six months. The timing was convenient for Brian, who accepted for a term that was later increased to an eight months visit as a JSPS Fellow. J.T.S. was the Secretary General of the Eighth International Conference on Chemical Education (8-ICCE) held in Tokyo the next year. Besides attending meetings of the Organizing Committee of the Conference, professor Newbold checked the English-language content of submitted manuscripts and abstracts, and made corrections where necessary.
 T. Yoshimura (Fukui Technical College) organized the Association of Personal Computer for Chemists (APCC) in 1982. Throughout his participation in the 8-ICCE and succeeding 10-ICCE(Waterloo, Canada), he learned much from professor Newbold and decided to visit Universite de Moncton in 1991. The results of their collaborative work were published in several papers. For example,

  • T. Yoshimura, Y. Aoyama, H. Ohtake, Y. Sasamura, J.T. Shimozawa, and B.T. Newbold, Development of Software for Chemical Education using Multimedia Techniques, J. Chem. Software, 3, 73-82 (1996).
 Professor Newbold carried out 13 collaborative works with chemists in Japan. Two more of which are shown below.
  • T. Morikawa and Brian T. Newbold, A Listing and Equating Method for Solving Chemistry/Physics Problems, Bull. Jhoetsu Univ. Educ., 18 (2), 667-672 (1999).
  • K. Yamaguchi. N. Kashimura, Y. Sasamura, and B.T. Newbold, A Molecular Model for Understanding the Mechanisms of SN Reactions in the Classroom, Memoirs Tomakomai Nat. Coll. Technol., 50, 96-98 (2015).
  •  The APCC published the Journal of the Association of Personal Computer for Chemists, and in 1992 was re-organized into the Chemical Software Society of Japan (CSSJ). The CSSJ published the Journal of Chemical Software (JCS) until 2002, then was dissolved and absorbed the JCPE (Japan Chemistry Program Exchange) to become the Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan (SCCJ). The latter has been publishing the Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan (JCCJ) since 2002, and also the Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan, International Edition (JCCJIE(2015-). Professor Newbold has been a member of the Editorial Boards of both of these Journals. In addition, he has continuously checked and corrected the English-language contents of manuscripts, figures/table captions, and abstracts submitted for publication.
     For more than fifteen years professor Newbold has been performing many excellent collaborative works with SCCJ members and their Journals. Therefore, the Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan declares that his longstanding achievements are worthy of the SCCJ Award.

    Haruo Hosoya, President of the Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan



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