Development of a Program Converter from FORTRAN 77 to F-BASIC

Fuji KODERA*, Satoshi SUGIMOTO and Toshihide ISHIKAWA

Plasma Physics Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka University,
Yamada-oka 2-1, Suita City, Osaka, 565-0871 Japan

(Received: June 7, 1999 ; Accepted for publication: September 2, 1999 ; Published on Web: November 1, 1999)

It has been recognized that most physical chemistry calculations are conveniently performed on desk top computers with a program code written in BASIC languages. The compilers for this purpose are considerably cheaper than FORTRAN ones. We have developed a program converter from FORTRAN 77 to F-BASIC(Fuji-tsuLtd.) on WINDOWS95/98 (Microsoft Corp.). It was confirmed that some short simple FORTRAN programs are converted with our method to give satisfactory results without any manual modification. These converted programs were able to run with some other BASIC environments such as Quick BASIC and N88-BASIC following some modifications.

Keywords: File Converter, Fortran77, F-Basic

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