^1H-NMR Database of Sugars for a Carbohydrate Chemist


International Christian University
Division of Natural Sciences
Department of Chemistry
3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181 Japan

(Recieved : February 24, 1995; Accepted for publication : April 16, 1995)

An ^1H-NMR database of sugars was made on a Macintosh computer by using a database software, File Maker pro developed by Claris Co. This database aims to assist individual carbohydrate chemists to file the necessary NMR data with references and to make most use of them for spectral identification of sugars of unknown structure. To achieve the above aims, several ideas are introduced: output data on screen or printer with several layouts such as data-card in which NMR data are combined with chemical structure, sequential data-cards of three/six records on a single screen/page, data-table showing the results of statistical calculations, etc. NMR data searched or sorted can be easily exported to other application softwares, for instance, to HNMR.BAS which has been developed by the author and runs on the MS-DOS system to display NMR line-spectra of carbohydrates.

Keywords; ^1H-NMR, Database, Database for personal use, Sugars, Carbohydrates, FileMaker pro, Useful layouts, Statistical calculation

Abstract in Japanese

Text in Japanese

Program File (Only in Japanese)

Author Index
Keyword Index