Tadayosi Yoshimura*1, Hideo Sakagami*1, Yoshihiro Fujikami*2 and Brian T. Newbold*3
*1Department of Industrial Chemistry,
*2Department of Electronics and Information Engineering,
Fukui National College of Technology,
Geshi-cho, Sabae, Fukui 916, Japan
*3Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Moncton,
Moncton, NB, Canada, E1A 3E9
(Recieved : September 22, 1994; Accepted for publication : December 2, 1994)
Microcomputer-aided learning (CAL) has been put into effect in various ways in chemistry teaching. Computer support is a useful tool for schooling. Students learn in detail about the experimental contents by themselves before beginning an experiment in the desired study, and then may carry out microcomputer-aided learning.
We enforce learning before the experimental training in our College, and examine the training effect on education. A teaching materials program for learning was developed by graduation study work. There are l8 themes (physical chemistry experiments).
Students must understand the experimental operation necessary for beforehand training in every theme. We have been developing a beforehand learning program (CAL software) in each theme (physical chemistry experiment). A student beginning an experiment uses the program and then puts the training into effect.
We have examined the CAL training effect on education for cases with or without beforehand learning and found that such learning has a marked positive impact on the experimental training of the student in the chemistry curriculum.
Key words: CAI, CAL, beforehand learning, chemistry curriculum, chemical dry lab, CAL software