The Journal of Chemical Software, Vol.2, No.1 (1994)
Original Papers
Computer Aided Simulation of Dispersion Theory Based on
Experimental Data by Zone Circulating Flow-Injection Analysis
Yoshio Narusawa, and Yuichi Miyamae
Development of a Set of BASIC Subroutines for CAI Programming
Yoshio Honma
Photochromism and Structural Chemistry of Benzo[1,2,3-kl:4,5,6-k'l']dixanthene and its analogues
Sumio Tokita, and Hitoshi Naito
Clear Printings of Chemical Formulas and Pictograms by TEX
Masahiro Iwata, and Toshihisa Yoshida
Development of Intelligent CAI for Qualitative Analysys of
Metal Ions Incorporated Knowledge Database
Taro Kamioka, Kikuo Miyokawa, Shigeko Ozaki, and
Takayuki Yano